Tag Archives: dinner

Belated Thanksgiving 2012 Update

Now that we’re safely into the new year (ohhh, by almost two months!), I think it’s time I posted my thanksgiving decor. It was super low budget, but I accomplished the feel I was going for. Without further ado, our alfresco Thanksgiving dining experience:

First, I painted the stems of small pumpkins gold.


Then I cut the pumpkins on the bottom in order to hollow them out and create luminaries. This was my first time carving/decorating a pumpkin, and I was surprised at how tricky it is! You have to really put some muscle into it. Those seeds are a beast to get out.

pumpkin guts

I found a rather Tim Burton-esque looking face while I was working.


Our sweet white rabbit {who is no longer with us 😦 } loved getting some of the scraps, while Diesel our dog supervised.


For the table runner, I use a long sheet of craft paper and stamped two different sized circles all over it at random with gold acrylic paint.


The gold circles tied in with the gold stems of the pumpkins.

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I continued the “polka dot” theme by drilling circles in the pumpkins that would  allow the luminaries to glow.

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For place cards, I made a few batches of carmel corn {recipe here, though I added a ton of cinnamon, SO good!!} and filled individual, name-stamped paper bags with the crunchy goodness. Guests could munch throughout dinner, or during dessert if pumpkin pie didn’t float their boats {holla!}.

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You’ll notice nothing on my plate but carbs and veggies. 🙂 None of that turkey nonsense for me.


Our table full of lovely neighborhood friends . . .



The pumpkins came alive as the sun went down.

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The food was placed around this buffet table my mom set up. I love the placement of the crates and pumpkins!

That wraps up our thanksgiving festivities. We all gathered around the fire-pit for dessert when it started to get chilly.  I say it very often, but I love where I live! So grateful we were able to enjoy our thanksgiving meal outdoors this year. 

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Grilled Lettuce

Hey guys!

I just wanted to get a quick post in, and thought tonight’s dinner was worth a mention. Inspired by this pin from a few days ago, I decided to grab a few heads of romaine lettuce from the fridge and grill ’em up. I was surprised at how tasty they were!

After washing, drying, and cutting each head in half lengthwise, coat each half with olive oil, salt and pepper . . .

Grill each side for around 3 minutes . . .

Top with freshly grated pecorino romano or parmesan, a squeeze of fresh lemon, a sprinkling of smoked salt, and serve immediately.

I was expecting the lettuce to get bitter, it was really sweet! It was so quick and easy and will be amazing this summer as an alternative to salad. I can’t wait to host an alfresco get-together and serve this as a side!

What are you looking forward to grilling this summer?


Filed under Nosh

Let My People Go

This past Passover season, my family hosted a dinner in which we decided the decor should be loosely themed ‘Egyptian’ (since we were commemorating the Israelites leaving Egypt and all . . .). As is, King Tut lives in our family room, so this was a logical table decorating decision. (Should you be wondering, he’s filled with DVDs, not a mummy. And yes, he’s wearing a Medieval Times crown, and also holding rhinestoned reading glasses. He likes to accessorize.)

I chipped in by making place cards.

I stamped, embossed, cut, and folded card stock, then lightly colored in the designs with colored pencil.

I didn’t trust myself with the penmanship, so I asked my mom to write the names.

Doing their jobs . . .

Ready to eat!

These were pretty straight forward, but I had fun making them! There are some awesome and creative place cards out there, and I’m looking forward to playing with new ideas for future get-togethers.

Have a good weekend!

P.S. Avengers was great. The 3D IMAX experience was pretty fun, too, though the screen wasn’t much bigger than regular 3D. Great movie though!

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