Tag Archives: red

Favorite 2013 Planners

2013 is around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about getting a new planner! Despite my many technological gadgets that are capable of keeping track of important dates and events, I take such joy in jotting them down in a pretty book. Here are some beauts I stumbled upon:

-1- | -2- | -3- | -4- | -5- | -6-

Without further ado, here is my personal pick for 2013, which I will be purchasing soon!

I chose #2 from my roundup, which was inspired by the book Parisian Chic: A Style Guide (top two books pictured above). Not only does the planner have an adorable layout with bonus fashion tips, the format is just what I was looking for. There are so many options available, but I’ve found that daily spaces without times plus extra space on each page for to-dos and notes is best for me. And I prefer to go without all the extra contacts, website, subway map, etc. pages that many books boast.

Shout-out to #3 on my list: I had this during my last year of college and LOVED it! It has pages for life and school goals, study checklists, to-do lists, class schedules, etc. The layout is fabulous and useful. Every page has college advice and/or an inspirational quote from other college students. If I were still a student, I would still be using this, hands down!

And remember, if you find a planner that works for you but you’re not loving the cover, you can  change it until you do! {Like this and this}

What is your favorite planner?


Filed under Grab Bag

Water Marbled Nails – 1st Attempt

Hey! So as promised, here is the documentation of my water marbled nails. I’ve known about the technique for years but have never been terribly interested in trying it. A prompt in my 365 creativity challenge said to “use only water as your medium/inspiration today”. Okay, I used nail polish too, but water was certainly entirely necessary for this “creation”. Perfect occasion to give it a go!

My workspace

Taking the plunge

Exciting first results

Hands done before getting cleaned up (really messy!)

Tape made the process a little bit neater

A day or two later and the cuticles are finally clean!

I love the unique patterns on each nail. Hard to pick a fav!

I got lots of comments about my thumb

Picking the color combo was my favorite part (Essie Bordeaux, China Glaze Awaken, and Zoya Penny)

This was my first time doing it, and I was happy with the results considering some of the horror stories online. I didn’t end up redoing any of the nails, so what you see it truly the first attempt.

I could use some practice making the patterns, but the whole thing was easier and more fun than I was expecting! Has anyone else out there attempted water marbled manis?


Filed under Beauty